
work through the night中文是什么意思

  • 通宵工作



  • 例句与用法
  • Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man
  • We then worked through the night with the help of masters blessing power
  • We often had to work through the night to get the stage ready in time
    (我们时常必须熬夜准备让演出能如期举行。 )
  • In the past i held very deep rooted concepts , thinking that a human being could only feel good if one has a full eight - hour sleep . also that working through the night , sleeping too late or poor quality sleep would adversely affect one s mood and work the next day
  • The neapolitan team , working through the night in a spartan garage , not only included the area ' s finest pastry chefs but expert carpenters , sculptors and painters pooling their skills to produce this ode to the cocoa bean
  • We wondered why she had not brought paper and pen with her , and the sister responded , how could i have known to bring a pen and paper when i went to bed ? after this incident , we realized that master doesnt really sleep when she goes to bed , but continues to tirelessly do her work through the night
  • By seven a . m . on may 29 , the initiates had purchased 24 tons of relief supplies and delivered them to the taoyuan center . the items included 3 , 571 family tents , 10 , 000 blankets and 194 warm winter jackets . fellow initiates from all parts of formosa came and worked through the night packing the materials into crates
  • To help in the effort , mr . harsha , a local youth proficient in graphic art , worked through the night in his photography studio , preparing fabric banners bearing master s image , which were then hung on both sides of the relief team s bus . the young man firmly declined payment for his work , but accepted a swiss army knife gratefully offered as a gift by the initiates
  • So fellow initiates in formosa immediately purchased a huge stock of the most needed relief materials , including 3 , 571 family tents , 10 , 000 blankets and 194 heavy warm jackets . then volunteers came from all parts of the island to the associations taoyuan center , where they worked through the night , sorting and packing the items into crates
  • By seven a . m . on may 29 , the initiates had purchased 24 tons of relief supplies and delivered them to the taoyuan center . the items included 3 , 571 family tents , 10 , 000 blankets and 194 warm winter jackets . fellow initiates from all parts of formosa came and worked through the night packing the materials into crates
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