Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man 医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命
We then worked through the night with the help of masters blessing power 在师父的加持下,我们的工作提早完成。
We often had to work through the night to get the stage ready in time (我们时常必须熬夜准备让演出能如期举行。 )
In the past i held very deep rooted concepts , thinking that a human being could only feel good if one has a full eight - hour sleep . also that working through the night , sleeping too late or poor quality sleep would adversely affect one s mood and work the next day 我有个根深柢固的观念,认为人一定要睡足八个小时精神才会好,而且熬夜?睡或睡眠品质不佳也常造成隔天情绪工作上不良的影响。
The neapolitan team , working through the night in a spartan garage , not only included the area ' s finest pastry chefs but expert carpenters , sculptors and painters pooling their skills to produce this ode to the cocoa bean 那不勒斯的糕点师们在一个条件简陋的车库里通宵达旦地工作,他们中不仅有当地最好的糕点师,还有木匠、雕刻家和画家等专业人士,他们各显所能,协力合作,用可可豆创造了这部颂诗。
We wondered why she had not brought paper and pen with her , and the sister responded , how could i have known to bring a pen and paper when i went to bed ? after this incident , we realized that master doesnt really sleep when she goes to bed , but continues to tirelessly do her work through the night 我们就问她为何不带纸笔?她答:哪里知道去睡觉还要带笔啊!从此我们才知道,师父睡觉也不是睡觉,还继续在辛勤的工作。
By seven a . m . on may 29 , the initiates had purchased 24 tons of relief supplies and delivered them to the taoyuan center . the items included 3 , 571 family tents , 10 , 000 blankets and 194 warm winter jackets . fellow initiates from all parts of formosa came and worked through the night packing the materials into crates 29日上午七时,总重约达二十四吨的救援物资送达桃园小中心,该批包括家庭用帐篷三千五百七十一顶、毛毯一万条及厚暖冬季夹克一百九十四件的物资,由来自福尔摩沙各地的同修彻夜赶工,帮忙各项打包、装箱等工作,并于次日下午两点由六辆大卡车载运至桃园中正机场仓储。
To help in the effort , mr . harsha , a local youth proficient in graphic art , worked through the night in his photography studio , preparing fabric banners bearing master s image , which were then hung on both sides of the relief team s bus . the young man firmly declined payment for his work , but accepted a swiss army knife gratefully offered as a gift by the initiates 当地一位开设照相馆兼具美工技能的哈夏先生,熬夜为我们制作师父的法相布条,以便悬挂在大巴士两边,由于他坚持不收任何费用,同修便将随身携带的瑞士刀回赠给他,以表感谢之意。
So fellow initiates in formosa immediately purchased a huge stock of the most needed relief materials , including 3 , 571 family tents , 10 , 000 blankets and 194 heavy warm jackets . then volunteers came from all parts of the island to the associations taoyuan center , where they worked through the night , sorting and packing the items into crates 福尔摩沙同修立刻募集大批救援物品,包括家庭用帐篷3571顶毛毯一万条及厚暖夹克194件,各地同修聚桃园小中心彻夜帮忙打包装箱等工作,于5月30日运至桃园中正机场。
By seven a . m . on may 29 , the initiates had purchased 24 tons of relief supplies and delivered them to the taoyuan center . the items included 3 , 571 family tents , 10 , 000 blankets and 194 warm winter jackets . fellow initiates from all parts of formosa came and worked through the night packing the materials into crates 29日上午七时,总重约达二十四吨的救援物资送达桃园小中心,该批包括家庭用帐篷三千五百七十一顶、毛毯一万条及厚暖冬季夹克一百九十四件的物资,由来自福尔摩沙各地的同修彻夜赶工,帮忙各项打包、装箱等工作,并于次日下午两点由六辆大卡车载运至桃园中正机场仓储。